Now spin the blower wheel on the shaft until the nut is directly over the flat spot, and then use a small crescent to turn the nut righty tightly until it’s tight and you’re sure it won’t move.
Now give the nut another ¼ turn. Because you didn’t tighten it enough yet.
Double check that the blower wheel is mounted securely in between both sides of the housing and that the wheel can spin freely and with no wobble.
Now carry the housing back inside to the furnace.
Slide the housing into the rails exactly as you pulled it out. Be sure the rails on top and bottom slide through the proper grooves. (Note: I plant two feet securely then grab the housing from the top and bottom and angle the front in towards the side as I push. When you get close gently set the front bottom side inside the bottom grove but just ever so slightly then tilt the top in until it makes its way under the top grove. Now push in and start tilting the entire assembly towards the coil to teeter it and put pressure on the front to go out. This will make sure the top and bottom rails make it past the back grooves.)
Screw the housing back in with the 5/16 screws that came out.
Re-mount all the items you had to move to get the motor out.
Now run the new blower motors wires through the proper chassis to get to the circuit board.
Remove the white wire that’s dangling from the Neutral of the board and plug the new motors white wire there.
Now you have a red wire dangling pull that off and put the new red wire in that spot which should be heat or low.
Now pull off the black wire and put the new motors black wire to that spot which should be cool or high.
Now that is how you change a blower motor in a furnace.
Let’s check to be sure it’s the right motor, i.e.: big enough to spin that wheel and not over amp.
Put your amp probe on the black wire of the blower motor and set it to AAC
Now put the blower door on.
Give the machine power and turn it back on in air conditioning mode.
If the motor pulls higher amps than its nameplate rating, you need to take the motor back out and install a bigger blower motor to handle the weight of this blower wheel.
If the motor starts up and pulls under its nameplate amp rating, check the rotation. (Note: to check the rotation kill the power and watch the blade slow down or just watch it start.)
If your rotation is good then pack it up because you are done with this motor.
You have just completed what most men cannot, you have just repaired your air conditioner and if you followed all the steps right you have done a fine just.
Before we celebrate go to end test page to verify that the system is working at 100%
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